Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emily's brush with the law

On the way home from Kerrvile, Emily decided to keep taking her seatbelt off. In my effort to get her rebelted apparently I was weaving all over the road. So that is exactly what I told Sheriff Whats-his-name when he pulled me over.

Here was the conversation that followed:

Officer: "Roll her window down."
Me: "No problem:"
Officer: (in his best "I'm the scary law but not too scary law voice) "Young lady, you need to keep your seatbelt on for the safety of everyone in this car and for your safety.  OK?
Emily: (surly look with great big pouty mouth) "hmm"
Me: "Emily, say 'yes sir'"
Officer: "What is your name?
Katherine: "Emily....her name is Emily"
Officer: "Well, Miss Emily, you keep your seatbelt for your safety and you quick giving your momma a hard time"
Emily: (in the tiniest voice every) "yes sir"
Officer: (now back at my window) "You have a real nice day ma'am"

Ha! Score 1 for the Mommies of the world!!!

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