Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brownies with Jesus

This was my conversation with Katherine tonight while putting her to bed.

Katherine: Friday is Christmas?
Me: Yes, Friday is Christmas.
Katherine: Well. What is tomorrow?
Me: Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Daddy will be here.
Katherine: And then we can open presents?
Me: On Friday, on Christmas, we can open presents.
Katherine: On Friday?
Me: Yes.
Katherine: Because Friday is Christmas?
Me: Yes. Now it's time to go to sleep. I love you. Goodnight.
*long pause*
Katherine: Mommy...
Me: Yes?
Katherine: Christmas is Jesus' birthday?

Me: Yes.
Katherine: Does Jesus like brownies?
Me: I am sure Jesus likes brownies.
Katherine: Can we make Jesus some brownies tomorrow?
Me: Yes, tomorrow we can make brownies for it's time to go to sleep. I love you.
Katherine: Ok.....
Katherine: Mommy?
Me: Yes?
Katherine: Can I give Daddy one of Jesus' brownies?
Me: Goodnight.

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