Monday, June 06, 2011

Summer Week 1

Emily's newest thing....

Emily: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there?
Emily: Pi
Me: Pi who?
Emily: Hahahahahaha
She doesn't know the actual joke or that she is telling a joke....she just knows it is funny.  I have to admit, it is really cute. 

Katherine is with Mom and Dad this week for Vacation Bible School at FUMC Mexia.  So it is just me and Emily during the day right now.   After we got my oil changed this morning, we went to an impromtu meeting at my school.  Emily was quite the entertainer with her charming good looks and comedy routine.  My principal is so very kind because she makes it possible for me to attend meetings while getting someone to watch Emily.  All teachers should be so lucky.  Mrs. Brown understands that in the summer I am going to have my child or children with me...and she doesn't balk. 

Speaking of school, it is possible....and I stress "possible" because we aren't quite sure....that I might be teaching 4th grade Math and Science for the upcoming school year.  Um...yea....I have already warned Ms. Brown that she is taking a risk by having me responsible for teaching Math.  I was not a strike that....I was a strike that too....I was a dismal Math student in school.  Thank goodness I will have the teacher's manual with the answers!!

As for an update on Katherine.  So far, she has said her favorite thing about VBS was "everything!".  I am hoping for more detail tomorrow.  She sounds like she is having fun though.  It is so nice (and good for her) to have some alone time with Mimi and Papa.  I think she was needing a break.  When I asked her if she would miss me, Daddy and Emily, there was an obvious pause before she said yes.  Although, when she left on Sunday, she kissed my hand, then put my hand on my heart and said, "Now it is there forever...." *sigh* :)

Tomorrow will be our first attempt at Story Time at Hood County Library.  Details to come.....

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