Thursday, July 12, 2012

The most ridiculous thing that has ever happened to me

It started out with a trip to HEB to get a cake for Emily and Happy Meal from McDonalds.  I ran into HEB and got juice, bread, ice cream and a small cake.  It seemed simple enough.  I visited with one of the cashiers, Haley, who I have known through Brawner.

I go out to my Explorer, throw the groceries in and put my key into the ignition and turn the key.


No problem.  I'll just call Frank.

Problem.  I forgot my cell phone.

No problem.  I'll just go into the store and borrow the phone to call phone.

Problem.  Our cell numbers are long distance and HEB's phones are only local.

(try the car again.  Nope.)

No problem.  Haley lets me borrow her phone.

Problem.  I call twice and Frank doesn't answer.

(try the car for the 3rd time.  Nope)

No problem.  The nice lady at HEB lets me text Frank from her cell phone

Problem.  Frank doesn't answer.

OK, I guess I've been left with only 1 option because

 1.  For all I know Frank's cell phone is on silent (which happens often)
 2.  I know that the house phone is off because when Frank is home he turns the ringer off
 3.  He is playing in the backyard with the girls so he is not watching the clock therefore it could be a whitel until panic sets in.

So, I grab my cake and ice cream and my purse and start walking.  Yep, walking the 1 1/4 mile home.  I'm not sure if you know this about me but I don't like to exercise or be hot.

All I could think as I walked was it is hot, I am thirsty and I am glad I'm not homeless.

I would say about 20 cars passed me going one direction or another so I was walking on the gravel and rocks.

It was not a pleasant experience but I was going to get that cake to Emily.

Then all of sudden a SUV pulled over and I heard a man's voice say, "Ma'am, do you need a ride?"

I looked up and it was a man, woman and teenager were in the car.

I nodded yes and said, "Are you a serial killer?"

He laughed and assured me he was not a serial killer and they would get me home.  We all laughed about the situation and they took me home.

Turns out.....Frank passed us on the way because he did get my text.  He got there a few minutes after Ellen and her family dropped me off.

I had a very large glass of wine before we went back to get my car where it took Frank approximately 30 seconds to get my car going.

Wow.  Good news is that cake was pretty good!

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