Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Update, Update and more Update!

Sorry, it's been over a week since my last blog.

We had a very busy Labor Day weekend. On Friday, our goal was to relax, relax and relax some more. Because it had been my first week back at school, I knew I would be tired....which I was.

Mom and Dad arrived at our house on Saturday morning. Fairly soon later, we all went to meet Gina & Co for lunch. Gina's mom, Shirley and my sister-cousin, Cindy were in for the weekend. Dad, Jeff and Frank joined us for lunch at Cafe Nutt (that's right...Nutt) for lunch. The food is just scrumptious. The chef came to greet us and Dad got a shirt that says "Cafe Nutt". Cafe Nutt is part of the Nutt Hotel which was started by Jake and Jesse Nutt. Jake and Jesse are direct relatives of my dad's family. Cool, huh?

Afterwards, the men said their goodbyes for now and all of us girls headed to the Granbury Opera House. We saw the "The day the music died." It was a recreation of Buddy Holly's last concert before he died in a plane crash. The entire musical was golden awesome. I knew and sang every word.

See, when my family went on family vacations, we went in a car. I can think of 2 times we actually flew. We could only agree on 2 types of music to listen to, Golden Oldies or Sousa marches. I know...typical of us! At any rate, it resulted in me knowing everything from Hello Donna to Chantilly Lace. The musical was SOOOOO much fun and I'm glad we went. Thanks Gina for making it happen!

After church on Sunday, we went over to Gina and Jeff's house. Matt was in from Texas Tech (go Red Raiders!) for an overnight visit. There was barbeque and a fun family time. Katherine had a great time playing with cousin Addie and I think I held Emily for maybe 2 minutes. Everyone wanted time with the baby. It was actually a nice break for me to relax and to let go a little.

Monday, we sat around and did nothing. I went to the grocery store. woo hoo.

As I am writing this, I am about to start my 3rd week back of teaching. I missed InService and the first week of school to be home with Emily. Truly, I feel like I am just now getting back into the groove of things. It was totally worth it, though, to be home with Emily.

Now for some more updates.

Emily is almost sleeping through the night. She sleeps all night more often than not. Now my biggest challenge is getting her into her crib. (That crib seems so big and she seems so small. Our compromise has been putting the papasan bouncy chair in the crib. That is working okay and I think I'll be able to handle it. Katherine was in her crib within being 2 weeks old so this is a different experience for me.) As far as growing, Emily is holding her head up on her own and gives us lots of big smiles. Sometimes, she seems to want to laugh but I don't think she knows how to make that happen. We make funny faces at her all the time to help that entertaining event to watch by others!

Katherine is loving school. Everyday she comes home with a new idea or song. I am constantly amazed at what an adoring big sister she has become!

So that is all for has been raining here in Granbury since Thursday. We are grateful but ready for some sunshine again as well.

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